SERENE WILDNESS or the sensory cosmos of an evening in Tuscany
This is the beginning of a series that started one autumn evening in the Valdicchiana region of Tuscany, where the wind, the sun held in the ground and the imminent storm, electrified the air and thrilled the birds. This brief moment, elusive but tangible in my body, made me want to recount the landscape from a sensorial angle.
My work is then a result from proceeding between different temporalities: the present moment, the memory of my body, and my imagination. Lightness of paper and fabrics, earthy and skin colors, rustling of materials touching each others, everything conspire to take me back to that beautiful evening. Our memories are like small remains of meteorites staying in levitation: fragments of sensations and feelings. The freshness of the grass, the warmth of the earth, the electricity of the air made me feel alive and whole, a sweet and serene wildness.
Serene Wildness I | paper, fabric, wood, brass | 80 x 60 cm | 2018.
Serene Wildness III | paper, fabric, antique sequins, wood, brass | 40 x 180 cm | 2018
Serene Wildness II | paper, fabric, antique sequins, wood, brass | 40 x 90 cm | 2018
Installation Serene Wildness, Ressources Urbaines, Geneva,, 2018.